How to Become a Successful Chaturbate Affiliate.

How to Become a Successful Chaturbate Affiliate.

Well this is going to be a short to the point blog about how to get started as a Chaturbate Affiliate. I will expand it as i get more free time but this will give you a good running head start.

The first thing you will need to do is sign up as an Affiliate its pretty simple. click here and fill out the form 
(you must use your real info if you want to be able to cash the check). 

After you have finished setting up your Chaturbate account you will need a medium to get your link out to the masses. I prefer using Blogger myself they have a nice easy setup to get you moving ahead quickly. 

Now when your making your blog you want to try to keep it on topic of what your trying to sell. Don't try to trick or misguide people into clicking your link the first reason why is if Google finds out the will remove your account and all your hard work will be for not. The second is there are enough douche bag spammers out there its much funner to watch them get banned then to get banned yourself.

Now once your blog is up and going you will want to go to Google+ and join content related circles IE: Webcams, Softcore,  Bikinis, Panties, Non Nude and  Sexual circles (if you stray away from these circles you are far more likely to get banned or your posts blocked by Google+ and we are trying to reach people with are content.

Once were done playing around on Google+ are next step is to sign up under as many Social Media outlets as possible IE: Facebook, Twitter, Quora,  ETC.. these are all do follow site and will help raise your overall Google rank and make sure you post your link to each of these sites in your profile this also will help raise your Google rank. and that is good. Make sure you make it at'least look legit so they don't think your just another spammer 

Ok so now you should be signed up as an Chaturbate Affiliate, belong to content oriented circles on Google+ and have a few Social Media sites that you belong too.

Now that you made it this far the hard part is behind you. You'll now be able to sit back and blog while blogging make sure you don't steal other peoples content Google will notice this and down rank you for it (BAD). original content will always be your best bet if you start having a hard time coming up with new original content do what i do.  Invite a few friends over for a couple beers and bring up being an affiliate you will be surprised at the conversations this will spark up and the ideas will soon start to flow.

now when your making your blogs its good to start off with an ok blog. Not too good at first because we will want to add to them later to "bump" your blog making small changes seems to work the best add a paragraph, delete a line or 2 this will help keep you blog alive and keep the fresh faces coming.

At some point you will want to sign up an Google Analytic account this will allow you to monitor what people are searching for so you know what content your audience  is looking for. It will also keep track of Pageviews you receive and a'lot of other really cool things but that will be in my next post "advanced tips to becoming a Chaturbate Affiliate" for now keep to the basics and learn all you can about what the people are looking for. this will help maximize you outcome come payout time.

Your next step should be to get your blogs HTTP address out there on the web. The more sites and the more times Google crawls over your link the higher you Google rank will climb so I would suggest finding content related sites and blogs and posting a comment or two making sure to include your link. but remember don't spam i hate spammers you hate spammers we all hate spammers.

Next you should go to Google web master tools and learn as much as you can about it. There is quiet  a'bit to it so just take your time stay calm and read read read. Once your femilure  with the Webmaster tools you will want to link it to your Google analytics account and tell Google to crawl your blog this allows Google to index your site so the can get your blog out to more and more people.

now a bit of time has pasted and we want to make sure your blog is running fine with no errors (google bots hate 404 errors) so check your crawl errors often and fix any errors you may find this is called SEO or Search Engine Optimization the quicker Google bots can crawl your site and find no errors the higher your Google rank will climb and the higher your Google rank the more trusted you are by Google and they become more willing to post your blog on there site. 

Now there are 2 main types of SEO the first is black hatting this is not a good idea black hatting is using tricks to get people to visit your site such as spamming, using invisible/hidden text to increase your overall keywords or using other misleading methods to get people to your blog.

The next and best way to do SEO is called "white hatting". White Hatting is using the proper ways to get people to visit such as fixing errors, tuning your keywords and other methods i will go over in the next post. 
So by now you should have a good idea and a good start on making some real money also remember this is a process and will take a bit of time so your not going to make bank loads of cash right away just keep at it. 

Make new blogs and new posts the more post and blogs you have the wider the audience you will reach.     
Keep posting your links on content related blog and websites.

Well that's about it for this part if you have any questions feel free to leave a comment and i will get back to you with any help i can. but i also have a life out side. So don't get mad if i don't respond right away. 

I hope that you have found this helpful and if you have please show it by giving it a +1 

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